Visits or consultation hours in hospitals or clinics are daily tasks of doctors. Mostly classical paper-based clipboards are used for patient information for the doctor. This method of providing all relevant patient data is very error-prone and confusing. Furthermore, the pre-printed papers cause storage costs. The doctor must first view all pages to obtain the relevant information. In the context of digitisation in the field of IoT applications, paperless applications are becoming more and more common. Data is always kept up-to-date and is directly available. The relevant data of the patient, such as diagnosis and findings from several sources must be validly summarized. Mobile applications can collate this type of information and provide the doctor with a clear overview of all relevant data. The view of the data can be displayed using an RFID tablet. This facilitates and optimizes the daily workflow of a doctor. In the following we present our powerful RFID Tablet C9 – RED, which can be optimally linked to existing applications and systems.
Valid Identification of Patients
RFID Technology helps to admit a valid and personal protected identification. Patients receive an RFID wristband upon admission to hospital. The integrated RFID Frequency ensure a reliable identification of the patient. With the help of an RFID chip wristband the doctor can directly identify the patient. He receives an overview of all data and findings of the patient. Optionally is an identification with 2D Barcode possible.
Leistungsstärke für einen ganzen Arbeitstag
Insbesondere im Schichtsystem erfordert eine mobile RFID Tablet Lösung einen leistungsstarken Akku. Das RFID Tablet C9 – RED zeichnet sich vor allem durch den High-Performance 8.000 mAh Li-Ion Akku aus. Die Android 10 „Q“ Version ist auf die aktuellen IoT Erfordernisse angepasst worden. Ärzte und Doktoren sind somit bestens für Ihre anspruchsvollen Arbeitsbedingungen im Krankenhaus gerüstet.
High Performance for a whole Working Day
Especially in the shift system a mobile tablet solution requires a powerful battery. The C9 Tablet is characterized above all by the high-performance 8,000 mAh Li-Ion battery. The Android 10 „Q“ Version has been adapted to the current IoT requirements. Doctors are thus optimally equipped for their demanding working conditions.
High Storage Capacity for Patient Data
The high-performance Cortex A73 2.0 GHz Octa-Core Processor offers sufficient performance power for demanding applications in the field of patient authentication. The integrated 2 GB Working Space and 16 GB Storage Capacity (optional with 4 GB ROM and 64 GB RAM) offers sufficient workspace of patient data for years.
Internal Communication Interfaces for Real-Time Transfer
Within the internal hospital communication between doctors a secure and timely transmission is important. The integrated 4G LTE Technology supports the communication possibilities: WLAN, WWAN, WPAN, GPS & Bluetooth. This allows data to be transferred to medical or other mobile devices.
Photographic Documentation of Findings
The pictorial representation of diseases that occur externally are, in addition to the written documentation, an important component in the assessment of diseases. The integrated 13 Megapixel Rear Camera documents images of the findings in high-resolution format.
Robust and Easy to Handle
Doctors very often wander through the corridors and departments within a hospital. The compact format of the RFID Tablet C9 – RED with 8″ screen diagonal fits perfectly into doctor’s coat pockets. Thanks to the rubberized corners it has a good grip in the hand. The robust RFID Tablet C9 – RED can easily withstand falls up to a height of 1.2 meters. With the integrated IP67 protection class it is protected against the penetration of dust and water.
Contact us for further information about products
Product enquiries
Mr Patrick Kochendörfer
Tel.: +49 621 66900 94-21
Press enquires
Mr Thomas Pollad
Tel.: +49 621 66900 94 –11