
HF (ISO 14443 A, ISO 15693)
2D Barcode Optical Code Reader
Bluetooth Connection
USB 2.0 Interface
Exchangable Battery
IP54 Protection Class


Physical characteristics
Dimensions50.4 x 24.8 x 118.4 mm
WeightNet 98 g
Keypads1 Control Key
Battery1.600 mAh
Scanning time: 14.000
times in total 1.000 times in total
Performance characteristics
Storage100.000 data sets (tags and barcodes)
SignalsLED + Buzzer
Imaging Sensor960 x 640 COMS
Scanning ModeManual-Press, Auto-Scan and
Continuous Scan
Keyboard SupportMultiple languages, including minority language
Light TypeWave length = 675 nm ±3 nm
High-light NIR LED
Recognition precisionCode 39, 6.6 mil
Scanning speed1500 times pre second
Second DevelopmentNot available
Angle RangeHorizontal 72°
Vertical 82° Rotate 360°
Programming environment
Operating SystemWindows 7/8/10, Android, Linux
User environment
Operating Temperature-20 °C up to +55 °C
Storage Temperature-40 °C up to +60 °C
Drop SpecificationsFreely falling 3 times
within 1.5 meter bearable
Protection ClassIP54
2D Barcode Imager
2D CMOS ImagerHoneywell N6603 / Newland EM3396
SymbologiesPDF417, Micro QR, DataMatrix,
QR code, Aztec, EAN, Code 39
WPANBluetooth Class v2.1+EDR,
Bluetooth v3.0+HS,
Bluetooth v4.0
Transmit Range15 m
Transmit Power20 dBm
Receiver Power20 dBm
Supported standards | Tags
ISO 14443 A

MIFARE® Classic 1K /4K, MIFARE Ultralight®,
MIFARE Ultralight® C, NTAG 21x,MIFARE DESFire,
MIFARE Plus, and all other ISO14443A RFID tags

ISO 15693

EM4135, EM4043, EM4x33, EM4x35,
ICode SLI / SLIX, M24LR16/64,
TI Tag-it HF-I, SRF55Vxx (my-d vicinity)


The Datacollector I-COLLECT 2.0 combines the ability of RFID and Barcode reading with an robust IP54 housing.

The internal HF reader provides an reading range of up to 4 centimeters. In addition to the RFID reader, the I-COLLECT 2.0 is equipped with an 2D Barcode scanning option for a complete range of applications within retail, logistics or stock management.

Flexible communication options via BLUETOOTH and the light-weight of only 98 g offers a handy and real time communication way for many scanning solutions with a host device. As host systems, the I-COLLECT 2.0 supports Windows, Android or LINUX operating systems.

In addition the device can be operated independently due to the internal memory for up to 100.000 datasets (tags and barcodes).

The internal 1.600 mAh li-ion polymer battery allows a scanning time of up to 14,000 in total or 1,000 per hour.

The Datacollector can be operated in two modes. The mode can be set in the software. The HID mode works as keyboard emulation. It can be connected to a keyboard via the Bluetooth interface. The data is entered directly at the PC. The I-COLLECT 2.0 can also work as a data collector. The data is scanned and then transferred to the PC via USB or Bluetooth.

Application Areas

  • Retail Markets
  • Stock Management
  • Libraries
  • Access Control

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